Gartner: Por que as empresas precisam comercializar – não apenas vender – a seus clientes

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Para os fornecedores de tecnologia e serviços, especialmente aqueles focados em outras empresas (B2B), atingir ou não as metas trimestrais de vendas, muitas vezes, resume-se a fechar negócios com alguns “novos nomes” chave, no período. Esses negócios não apenas proporcionam faturamento futuro, mas, também, conduzem a narrativa da dinâmica da empresa como se fosse vista através dos olhos dos mercados financeiros, investidores, empresas de análise, mídia e, até, funcionários.

Em seu blog, Todd Berkowitz, diretor de pesquisa do Gartner, Inc., líder mundial em pesquisa e aconselhamento sobre tecnologia, estima que os fornecedores podem aumentar o faturamento em até 20% ao ter uma abordagem programática para comercializar a seus clientes existentes.



Why Companies Need to Market – and Not Just Sell – to Existing Customers


For technology and service providers, especially those that target other businesses (B2B), making or missing quarterly sales goals often comes down to whether a few key “new name” prospects sign deals in that period. These deals not only provide future revenue, but also drive the narrative of company momentum as seen through the eyes of financial markets, investors, analyst firms, the media and even employees.

However, renewing customers and growing account revenue are typically far easier and more cost effective than trying to increase revenue by adding new customers. These revenue sources are often more predictable and higher-margin and reduce the need to continually close many new customers every quarter, which is why many providers often measure customer lifetime value (CLV) as a key performance indicator.

In today’s blog post, Todd Berkowitz, research director at Gartner, estimates that providers can increase revenue by as much as 20 per cent by taking a programmatic approach to marketing to existing customers.


Mr Berkowitz said:


When study after study shows that it’s easier and cheaper to sell to existing customers than to try to acquire new ones, and loyal, happy customers are key to influencing prospects, provider marketers should be completely engaged in this effort. Account managers or “farmers” do a great job with account maintenance but they are neither marketers nor product experts. And that’s a problem because customers don’t just want access to support or basic account management, they also want frequent contact, tailored offers, white papers and other things that should be coming from product marketing and management rather than sales.

In a Gartner survey of 503 buyers of B2B technology and services completed in the first quarter of 2013, a significant number of respondents viewed these activities as extremely significant in terms of expanding the relationship, and therefore the propensity to buy more technology and services (see Figure 1).


Figure 1: Marketing Activities Rated as Extremely Important in Maintaining or Growing the Relationship with the Provider


Source: Gartner (2013)


Of course you can’t simply flip a switch and start marketing to your customers without a thoughtful, programmatic approach. Expanding usage, cross-selling and up-selling is very different to making the initial sale.

Gartner recommends a framework based on four steps including: