Gartner: 15 habilidades críticas para o sucesso com gestão de processos de negócios

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Muitas empresas estão se deparando com a falta das habilidades necessárias para o sucesso da gestão de processos de negócios (BPM). Embora a maioria delas tenha experiência básica nas ferramentas e metodologias, usar o BPM para obter resultados de negócios estratégicos demanda competências mais solicitadas, que são escassas.

Em seu blog, Samantha Searle, analista de pesquisa do Gartner, Inc., líder mundial em pesquisa e aconselhamento sobre tecnologia, afirma que as organizações costumam se focar em habilidades óbvias para BPM, tais como, modelagem de processos, sem considerarem outras capacidades cruciais, como aquelas relacionadas com as mudanças organizacionais.



Fifteen Skills Critical to Success With Business Process Management

Many organisations are facing a shortage of the skills required for business process management (BPM) success. Although most organisations have some basic expertise in business process improvement tools and methodologies, using BPM to achieve strategic business outcomes requires more sought-after skills, which are in short supply.

Figure 1. Top 15 Business Process Management Skills



Source: Gartner (February 2014)


In a blog post, Samantha Searle, research analyst at Gartner, said that organisations often focus on the obvious skills for BPM, such as process modelling, without considering other crucial skills, such as those relating to organisational change.

Ms Searle said:

Based on the results from our latest five-level BPM maturity model — the ITScore for BPM — we found that 27 per cent of respondents said that employees were given training in business process modelling. In general, only 4 per cent of employees were comfortable using graphical process models to understand how their business works, so there is a clear need for further training in this area. Few offered training in other key areas, such as process analysis, discovery, benchmarking and methodology (68 per cent responded “not at all” or “minimally”).

Regarding the amount of staff skilled in communicating process-related issues, most replied “few” (39 per cent) or “some” (45 per cent). While it is encouraging that 73 per cent of respondents indicated that employees were given project management training, only 46 per cent were also provided with training in organisational change techniques, which is also critical to project success.

It is the transformational competencies, including knowledge of organisational change techniques and the ability to build a compelling business case, that are most important for achieving strategic business outcomes. Without the ability to articulate and communicate business value and process-related issues, most BPM efforts will fail.

Business process directors and senior IT managers need to conduct a BPM skills gap assessment within their organisations to determine what skills they lack. This means looking beyond IT or the business area where BPM is focused, since there might be suitable skills elsewhere in the business. Once this is done, they should develop an action plan to train their BPM team in the required skills.

More detailed analysis is available in the report “15 Skills Critical to Business Process Management Success.” The report is available on Gartner’s web site at


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O Gartner, Inc. (NYSE:IT) é líder mundial em pesquisa e aconselhamento sobre tecnologia. Fornece análises de TI necessárias para seus clientes fazerem as escolhas certas todos os dias. De CIOs e diretores de TI em empresas e agências governamentais a líderes em companhias de alta tecnologia e telecomunicações e investidores deste mercado, o Gartner é parceiro indispensável em mais de 13.000 diferentes organizações. Por meio dos recursos do Gartner Research, Gartner Executive Programs, Gartner Consulting e Gartner Events, o Gartner trabalha com seus clientes para pesquisar, analisar e interpretar os negócios de TI dentro do contexto de seus papéis individuais. Fundado em 1979, o Gartner é sediado em Stamford, Connecticut (EUA) e possui 5.800 associados, incluindo mais de 1.450 analistas de pesquisa e consultores, além de clientes em 85 países. No Brasil, o Gartner está presente em três unidades: Gartner Research, que oferece pesquisas e aconselhamento para profissionais, fornecedores e investidores de TI; Executive Programs, grupo de CIOs alimentado pelo conteúdo Gartner com mais de 3 mil membros em todo o mundo; e Eventos, com conferências e simpósios anuais. Para obter mais informações, visite